Legal & Contingency Limited
60 Fenchurch Street LondonEC3M 4AD
DX: 843 London/City
Legal & Contingency Limited
60 Fenchurch Street LondonEC3M 4AD
DX: 843 London/City
If you need to make a claim against one of our policies, please write to us or send us an email using the contact details above.
Please ensure that you confirm your policy number, full name and address, and provide full details of your claim. Our claims team will then respond to you directly and ask for any other information they may need to assist in dealing with your claim.
Legal & Contingency Limited
60 Fenchurch Street LondonEC3M 4AD
DX: 843 London/City
If you are unhappy with the final decision regarding a complaint, you may be able to pass your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. The Financial Ombudsman Service is an independent organisation who will review your case.
Their address is:
The Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower,
London, E14 9SR.
Phone: 0800 023 4567
If you take any of the foregoing action, it will not affect your legal rights.
If the insurer on your policy is ‘Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London’:
If you are unhappy with our decision, regarding any
complaint, you may also be able to pass your
complaint to Lloyd’s.
For further information please